A bunion is a protrusion of bone at the 1st metatarsal-phlangeal joint (big toe), which is often accompanied by a rotation of the great toe towards the outside of the foot. Over time, the abnormal position enlarges your big toe joint, further crowding your other toes and causing pain.
Pain, swelling and redness can occur and it is often a progressive deformity due to the changes in the bony alignment of the foot. It is very common and occurs mostly in women. Heredity, foot injury, medical conditions, such as arthritis, uncorrected excessive pronation, weight gain or weakened intrinsic muscles can be causes of bunions. The most common cause, however, is wearing shoes that fit too tightly.
Tailor’s Bunion, often called a bunionette, is similar to a bunion but is much less common. It occurs at the 5th metatarsal-phalangeal joint (the pinky toe) and is sometimes accompanied by an overlying bursa and/or callus. It’s referred to as a Tailor’s Bunion because tailors who sat cross-legged on the floor all day developed buinionettes in this spot.
As time goes on, the constant pressure may cause the bone to thicken as well, creating an even larger bump to rub against the shoe. Supportive shoes with a soft and wide toe box that fit snugly in the heel, along with proper fit, can offer some relief.
Our In-Store Fitting Specialists can use a tool to stretch the areas of your shoes to create a comfortable fit.
Over-the-counter insoles with metatarsal padding can help promote natural alignment. The Motion Control insole provides feet with a healthy foundation that includes contoured shape, a deep heel cup and metatarsal padding.
We offer a wide range of New Balance footwear for a wide range of foot conditions. Click the link below to view recommended shoes for both men and women suffering with Bunion & Tailor's Bunion.
Recommended shoes for Bunion
*Please note that this is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a diagnosis. A qualified allied medical professional should fit all therapeutic footwear purchases. These shoes are available over-the-counter with or without a prescription. Therapeutic footwear offered through this site does not treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Always consult your physician for questions pertaining to your specific diagnosis and treatment protocol. Product Specialists will be happy to speak to you about any recommendations your doctor may have provided, or information regarding recommendations based on biomechanical principles. Please call 1.800.728.6247.